Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Action Plan

I have put together an action plan to help myself plan out what I will be doing for the next 6 weeks. 

Every Thursday I am going to spend an hour-an hour and a half doing exam work, such as answering mock questions, answering evaluation questions, reflecting from AS to A2 etc. and post my answers on my blog.

In terms of the digipak and the magazine advert, I am well underway with the digipak and the mock up's that I have completed so far are extremely detailed and I just need to add to them and make some more pages for it to be complete. Up until January 31st, I will work on my digipak during lesson time, as I need to use photoshop and on the weekend of February 2nd, I will show a detailed comparison of the digipak which I have produced and how it compares to my research and also link it with my research that I conducted during AS, showing links for the exam. 

After this, up until February 14th, I will work on my magazine advert during lesson time, as I feel that this won't take as long as my digipak. 

In terms of my music video, I will continue adding to my editing in my own time outside of lessons and I am also planning to film some more footage to make the 'phone scene' more apparent, so that the Mother enters the teenagers room and sits on her bed in despair, wondering where she is and the camera shows that her phone is actually underneath her desk, yet the Mother doesn't know that and just thinks that she is ignoring her phone calls. I would film Stephanie realising that she hasn't got her phone at some point; however I am unable to as Stephanie has other commitments and is unable to film anymore. Although I can't film all of the parts that I wanted to, I will storyboard those to give you a clearer idea of what I had planned.

On reflection, the digipak will work best in colour as the audience feedback which I gathered swayed much more towards colour rather than black and white and by having the album cover in colour, it will link extremely well with the music video as the parts where the artist is singing is in colour, so there will be a clear link between the two.

Now, it is just a case on carrying out my action plan and completing what I have planned out above. I will keep you updated on my progress. 

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