Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Digipack and Booklet Notes/Ideas

These are some notes of the digipacks that I could find for two of the artists that I am analysing, as they are extremely to find online, so I used just scanned these booklets in as I had the albums:

I have made some notes on what I am thinking of doing for my booklet and digipack as a result of doing my research and my next step is to look at the order of Gabrielle's booklet and write down the order so that I can decide on my order after looking at the two artists. After I have done this, the next step will be to start designing it properly and deciding on different design ideas.

Here are the examples of the digipacks that I have analysed:

 Taylor Swift's
Mixture of Digipacks

1 comment:

  1. Do you have the actual scans to upload, since these would provide quite a useful visual aid to your (very detailed) comparison. It might also be useful at this stage to put together a mock-up (possibly just a flat plan) of your proposed pack.
