Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Comparisons Between Text Effects and No Text Effects For Audience Feedback


  1. Personally, I think the addition of effects makes the titles stand out more; it also makes the name of the artist and the cd seem more important (rather than fading into the background). I would go with the "effects" version.

  2. I would go for the effects version as need the titles to stand out on the album cover. However, this is just me personally, I would also try to do something with the image as while a really good and well taken image, it detracts from the titles and seems too plain.

    A nice effect I remember seeing is a sort of "tunnel vision" effect which will help make the image fit well with the titles and also make them better to see. Plus it allows you edit the image and if desaturate it, it will meld well with the black and white aspect of your video.

    Keep up the good work!
